The love nd sex quiz!!!

This is about pepole who need to have there percent checked by people who think that there realshinship is good you can keep it up but if you do bad thin you will just keep trying

You cn have a good realshinship or a bad sorry if bad yeah for you if good but you should always tey if you think he or she is the right one. thanks for thinking or doing this quiz.....

Created by: Jaden wiggans
  1. How long have you and your boyfriend/girlfriend seen each other?
  2. where did u and ur boyfriend / girlfriend meet???
  3. how long has it been sence u had sex???
  4. does ur boyfriend use condoms when u have sex ?????
  5. Does ur boyfriend / girlfriend ever use ...
  6. Have u ever cheated on somebody ???
  7. How will you know what time will you gett it on you know the sexy life/
  8. how many years have u or ur boyfriend been devorst ???? how many times have u had sex befor you devorist our what ev???
  9. how many boyfriends / girlfriends have u had ????
  10. have u ever been to cort

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