The Lamesa Juniort HIgh Quiz

there many kids but there are only 2,000 lamesa geniuses see if you're one. If you get a high score you might win $1,000,000 Just kidding you wont win any thing but take the quiz to see if you're worthy of being a Lobo.

Are You a Lobo? Do you have the knoledge of a lobo. Take the test.This test will determine how much youpay attention or if you really go to La Mesa. Dont even take the test if you dont go to lamesa because the ?'s are thourough

Created by: Maurice Newton

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Whats the Schools Maskot?
  2. Which of the following is not a team at Lamesa?
  3. What are the schools colors?
  4. which is NOT elective?
  5. How many Seventh Grade Pe Teachers are there?
  6. What is the student counsil called?
  7. What is the principal's name?
  8. What do we sell AFTER school?
  9. what do the vending Machines ONLY sell?
  10. Whst are the three flavors of Ice Cream sold After School?

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