The Hardest Selection Quiz

You've laughed, you've cried, you've swooned over The Selection books, but how well do you REALLY know them? Are you a true Selection fangirl or do you have some re-reading to do? I've created a Selection series quiz so challenging You'll be stumped So hold your head high beneath that crown and accept the challenge with grace and dignity! (That means no Googling the answers!)

I've created a Selection series quiz so challenging You'll be stumped So hold your head high beneath that crown and accept the challenge with grace and dignity! (That means no Googling the answers!)

Created by: Bayleigh M
  1. What is Maxon's last name.
  2. Who said it: "I'm not completely sure what we are, but we're definitely more then friends."
  3. What does Henri make for desert when all of the suitors make princess Eadlyn a meal.
  4. What did America's mom (Madga) do on New Years Eve?
  5. Who is Skinny
  6. Who is Kaitlin?
  7. Which Girl did Maxon send home the day they met?
  8. Who said:I think you're mistaking comfort for joy."
  9. What is the first sentence in the book The Selection?
  10. Where is Queen Emberly from?
  11. Which language other then English does America Speak?
  12. King Clarkson have the same favorite desert what is is?
  13. What is Lucy's dad's job at the palace?
  14. Where do the Northern Rebels live?
  15. Where did kile go to study before he was chosen for Eadlyn's selection?
  16. Who did Kiera Cass dedicate The Elite to?
  17. Prince Maxon's grandfathers name was.
  18. What kind of Artist is Kota?
  19. Who was the President of the United States during the third World War?
  20. What color is the dress America was wearing when Celeste ripped before the Capitol Report?
  21. Who said it: "I don't know if I'm supposed to be holding on or letting go."
  22. What nick name did America's dad give her?

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