The Eric Cartman Quiz

if you did good then i really dont care just do whatever whatever you want so live good but if you failed you are a terrible person and everone will hate you forever so it sucks to be you so dont complain cause i just told you

if you did good then i really dont care just do whatever whatever you want so live good but if you failed you are a terrible person and everone will hate you forever so it sucks to be you so dont complain cause i just told you HERRO

Created by: Miguel
  1. Who is Eric's role model
  2. What's Cartman's fav movie
  3. What's is his fav toy
  4. Who is Cartman's Dad
  5. What game does Cartman play
  6. what show does cartman hate
  7. What is eric cartman's first name
  8. what is the color of george washington's white horse
  9. what is the name of the chinese food place
  10. what is cartmans pig's name

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