the crush quiz for girls

are you a boy genius?????? well if you are and you love NICK JONAS than you are in luck. try this quiz because it is rocking and fun!!!! no one can win it so far not even me and i made it! so if you can win than you are an awesome person and should be famous!!!!!

are YOU a genius for boys? can you beat the quiz. i think not!!!! this quiz is hard and fun all in one quiz. test your knowledge and see how good you the quiz

Created by: alexandra
  1. what type of guy do you like?
  2. what name do u find attractive?
  3. do you have a boy friend?
  4. what color eye are u attracted to?
  5. what hair color do you like?
  6. what famous person do u like?
  7. what would be your typical place to go on a date
  8. are u popular?
  9. how would you want your first kiss to be like?
  10. was this quis fun?

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