The Callie Quiz

Well, there are many smart people out there, but few people who really really know the true genius of Callie. Do you think that you can handle the truth of me?

Do you have the prestigious brain power to tackle this quiz and find out if you really really know Callie. Take this quiz and you'll truly know. So I wrote a sentence about the one hundred and fifty word requirement that I have to fulfill on this paragraph and it knew. Wow this computer is pretty damn smart, lets see if I can fool it with this sentence.

Created by: Callie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is Callie my real name?
  2. What instruments does Callie play?
  3. What is Callie's biggest ambition for the new year?
  4. What does Callie want to play on drumline?
  5. What is Callie's all-time favorite song?
  6. What does Callie want to be when she grows up?
  7. What is Callie's favorite band?
  8. What does Callie love most?
  9. What was Callie in the Boar's Head? (I got called this by everyone)
  10. What is Callie?
  11. What does Callie hate most?

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