The big NO quiz

So out in the big wide world, away from your computer or laptop screen there are actual smart people who don't spend all day every day in virtual reality. can you be like them???

Are you a genius?? or a dunce?? whatever score you get on here you can be sure about one thing!!! in just a few minutes you'll know just how brainy or thick you really are!

Created by: christopher
  1. Are people from Italy German?
  2. Is London in America?
  3. Is BBC1 on ITV?
  4. Are Cats dogs?
  5. Is Madrid the capital city of Jamaica?
  6. Is Kingston the capital city of Spain?
  7. Do cats have 3 legs?
  8. Does 1+1 equal 54
  9. Are you an alien?
  10. Do cars fly?

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