the best most accurate sorting hat quiz ever!!

have you ever wonder which house you would be in? know you will know! created by the biggest fan of harry potter comes the most aw-some and accurate sorting quiz ever!

if you like this quiz hit the like button and if you want more quizzes take more of the quizes by Luna Kat! this is my first quiz so its not the best but i hope you get the house you want! enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Luna Kat
  1. who is your favorite character?
  2. witch house do you want to be in?
  3. are you selfish or selfless
  4. are you a voldermort follower?
  5. do you like hagrid
  6. do you like teen titans go?
  7. if you saw a illegal dragon in hagrids hut what would you do?
  8. do you like albus dumbledore
  9. are you a witch or wizerd?
  10. bye!

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