The Aboriganal Quiz

My quiz was to help increase the knowledge in kids. Many don't know much about aboriganals. Neither did I. this will help you to get to know them better

Not many can say "I know everything about everything", so this is a challenge to you. I enjoyed making this quiz and I hope you enjoyed it too.Maybe now you can tell your friend the stuff you learned and this world will become smarter.

Created by: Amy of this site
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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who were the fishers?
  2. In what tribe were the women in charge of the homes?
  3. What type of house did the Algonquians have?
  4. What did the Plains people do after they killed an animal?
  5. What did the Iroquoians call beans, squash, and, corn?
  6. When Algonquian children were born they became part of what clan?
  7. What Nation ate seafood?
  8. What Tribe thought buffalo was the most important food?
  9. In what Nation were women very important?
  10. What Tribe had royalty, nobles, commoners, and slaves?

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