Test yourself - how much do you know about Hadrian's Baths?

So you think you're a Classics Nerd? Think again! Test yourself on your knowledge of Hadrian's Baths with this well thought-out quiz, and see how you go. Good luck, and have fun!

Are YOU a Classics Nerd? Do you have the brains to qualify for that awesome title? Until now you could only wonder, but thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out if you have what it takes to become a TRUE nerd!

Created by: Justine Waterhouse
  1. When were the Baths built?
  2. Where were the Baths built?
  3. Who were the Baths built by?
  4. Why was it erected?
  5. What sort of design were the Baths built in?
  6. What are the 7 sections of a Roman bath complex?
  7. What was the 'Palaestra'?
  8. Where was the 'Palaestra' located?
  9. What was the 'Notatio"?
  10. How large was it?
  11. What was the purpose of the 'Notatio'?
  12. What was the 'Frigidarium'?
  13. How large was it?
  14. What was its purpose?
  15. What was the 'Calidarium'?
  16. Why were the three largest windows located on the south side?
  17. Where were the furnaces that heated the Calidarium and Laconica located?
  18. What was the 'Laconica'?
  19. What did one do in these rooms?
  20. What were the purpose of these rooms?
  21. What was the 'Tepidarium'?
  22. What was its central feature?
  23. What features were added at a later date in this room?
  24. What were the 'Latrines'?
  25. Where were these located?
  26. What was the 'Apodyteria'?
  27. What are the names of other well-known Roman Baths?

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Quiz topic: Test myself - how much do I know about Hadrian's Baths?