Test your knowledge on HP

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This quiz will test your wits and skills on the world of Harry Potter and some other things that might not have been made clear throughout the books.

This quiz will tell you if you are a pro at Harry Potter or need a little work. Other than that, you have nothing to be scared of what you get. This quiz will test you. Good luck!

Created by: Ashley and Melody
  1. What year was the first Harry Potter book published?
  2. What position was Harry on the quidditch team?
  3. When was Harry Potter discovered by the death eaters?
  4. How many Headmasters or headmistresses did Harry Potter have?
  5. What series has Harry potter and the Hunger games clashed?
  6. How many friends does Harry have?
  7. How rare are twin cores?
  8. How is the Half-Blood Prince described?
  9. Who was Harry Potters true best friend?
  10. what is Professor Mcgonagles daughters name?
  11. what is Professor Snapes daughters name?

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Quiz topic: Test my knowledge on HP