test about morrie and friends

Mitch Albom wrote a novel about his professor, Morrie Schwartz. Morrie is the main character throughout the novel and helps turn Mitch's life around, even though the professor himself is approaching death.

Take this quiz and find out how much you know about Morrie Schwartz. Did you notice all the little details his life that was brought up in the novel?

Created by: Tiffany Lo and Vivian Sue of [no urls]
(your link here more info)
  1. What university does Morrie teach at?
  2. What class did Morrie teach?
  3. what was Morrie's brother's name and what did he suffer from?
  4. Where did Morrie live?
  5. How did Morrie die?
  6. On what day did Morrie slip into a coma?
  7. On what day did Morrie pass away?
  8. On what day was Morrie's funeral?
  9. What is Morrie's last name?
  10. What disease caused Morrie's death?

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