Terminal Medical Conditon - Can you handle it?

Everyone's true nightmare. Diagnosis of a terminal illness. Ever gone to the doctor's for that nagging pain or vague feeling of not being well and they tell you they need to run some tests and will get back to you? Don't tell me you've never had those moments of doubt and feelings of worry, wondering if something really serious is wrong.

Well, lets find out how well you would handle it if the worse news came and you had been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Would you just give up and die when you were diagnosed, would you put up a little fight, but give in in the end, or would you fight to the nitty gritty end?

Created by: katc23
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You were just diagnosed with a terminal illness. Do you....
  2. The doctor has advised you on a course to keep you healthy and alive as long as possible. Do you....
  3. Do you tell your closest friends/family/loved ones about the diagnosis?
  4. The doctor has found some experimental treatments you could try in additon to the traditional. No guarantees! Do you....
  5. The traditional treatments make you feel awful, but they are prolonging your life. Do you....
  6. An organ transplant could save your life, or prolong it indefinitely. Do you...
  7. Do you have someone that you can truly count on, on a daily basis to help you through this?
  8. Even though that person is there for you, do they make you feel guilty or do you feel guilty for needing them?
  9. The end is close. Do you accept it peacefully or go down fighting?
  10. You know that you only have days left to live. Do you talk to everyone you have ever wanted to say something to?
  11. It is your final second on earth, what is your last thought?

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Quiz topic: Terminal Medical Conditon - can I handle it?