Team Jacob or Team Edward?

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There are a lot of Twilight fans. I created this quiz so that people could take it and see whether they were on Team Jacob or Team Edward. Most people know which one they're on, but some people don't and want to find out.

Do you want to find out which side you're on? Imagine you are like Bella, and you have to decide between Edward and Jacob. Which one do you choose? You will find out in this quiz. Enjoy!

Created by: Sydney
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which do you like better, the heat or the cold?
  2. How would you spend your Saturday afternoon?
  3. Do you like vampires or werewolves?
  4. What type of boy would you like as a boyfriend?
  5. What would you rather eat?
  6. What type of superpower would you like your boyfriend to have?
  7. In your free time, you like to:
  8. Where would you live in the Twilight series?
  9. Ok, I have to have two more questions to finish the quiz.
  10. Bye!

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