Taylor swift or Eminem

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Many people don’t know what their favorite singer is. Result: they usually spend more time than they should because they don’t know what kind of style of music to listen to. Sometimes you see an artist you like, but the next day you decide it doesn’t suit your personality, lifestyle, etc.

Is this your case? Are you tired of wasting your time choosing which artist to choose from? Are you interested in knowing once and for all what your personal style of music and which other styles of music suit your personality? Take the quiz to find out:

Created by: serenity clarke
  1. What is your favorite type of style of music
  2. choose favorite song
  3. what is Eminem's and Taylor Swift's lucky number
  4. Eminem's Birthday
  5. Taylor Swift's Birthday
  6. Has Taylor Swift dated Eminem
  7. what was Eminem's first Album?
  8. Taylor Swift's first Album
  9. who hates Eminem
  10. who hates Taylor Swift

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