Take This Quiz & Get A Stranger Things OC

Are you bored to death? Do you love Stranger Things? Do you wanna see the cool Original Chatacters I made in my alternate Stranger Things universe? Well, look no further but to take this quiz!

I have made either 5 or 6 characters for my universe and I wondering which one you're most like, or which one you would get! There's only one way to find out! TAKE THE QUIZ!

Created by: Brooke-The-Believer✨
  1. Hi Stranger Things fans! How are you?
  2. Okay! So, which season was your favorite? (Mine's either Season 2 or 4, but I love them all!)
  3. Favorite character? (Just choose one if one of your favorites are in that group.)
  4. Nice choice! My favorites are Dustin, Eleven, and Will. Favorite food out of all these?
  5. FaVoRiTe CoLoR? (Sorry, I had to ask-)
  6. Pick a song from Stranger Things
  7. Choose a hair color
  8. Here's an actually interesting question: If you were in the Stranger Things universe, what would you do? Where would you be?
  9. You somehow got trapped in the Upside Down. There's lightning and darkness everywhere. What do you do?
  10. You are new at Hawkins Middle School and a small group of kids go up to you. They want you to be their friend! They introduce themselves. They're all nice, but who do you think would be your BEST friend?
  11. Okay, final question: How did you like this quiz?

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