take this awesome gaming quiz I dare you

This quiz asks five questions about four games if more than a certain amount of people take it I'll create a part two so comment and tell your friends if you want more.

In This quiz I ask five questions about four games if more than a certain amount of people take it I'll create a part two so comment and tell your friends if you want more.

Created by: SN1P3RL4ZY

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. First 5 questions involve the game Alan wake. What are your enemies called?
  2. What is Wake's profession/job?
  3. What is the name of alan's wife?
  4. Who is alan's agent?
  5. True or false. It is possible to drive vehicles in the game.
  6. The next 5 questions involve minecraft. Name the hardest material in the game.
  7. True or false. Enderman do not teleport.
  8. What is the main characters name?
  9. What tool is used to catch fish?
  10. How many types of trees are there?
  11. The next 5 questions involve call of duty modernwarefare 3. What is Price's ranking?
  12. In survival at what level do you unlock the scar?
  13. In survival mode which assault rifle do you unlock last?
  14. True or false. The eiffel wasn't destroyed.
  15. What is the code name given to frost and sandmans team.
  16. The last 5 questions involves darksiders 2. Which of the horseman do you play as?
  17. What do you fight against throughout the game?
  18. True or false. You get to visit the post apocolyptic earth.
  19. You obtain a weapon from the makers that belongs to a fellow horeman what is this weapon.
  20. When first fighting the crow father he turns into someone name that someone.

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Quiz topic: Take this awesome gaming quiz I dam I