Supporting Facts

Today's world is full of mixed media messages. The Internet is a great source, but it is important to remember that anyone can post on it and it is not monitored for accuracy.

This quiz will help you determine what kind of statements are facts and how facts can support opinions. Facts can be irrelevant to the topic or can actually hurt your case (watch out for this!). Good luck!

Created by: Mrs. B
  1. Opinions cannot be proven.
  2. Facts can be used to support an opinion.
  3. A fact may support the opinion or may not be relevant to the opinion.
  4. "Cats are better pets than dogs" is an opinion. Below are statements that support this opinion. Which one is a fact?
  5. "Fords are built tough" is an opinion. Below are statements that support this opinion. Which one is a fact?
  6. The following are all facts, but which one SUPPORTS the opinion that Fords are built TOUGH?
  7. Opinion: Soccer is a dangerous sport. Which of the following is a SUPPORTING FACT (it supports the opinion and is a fact)?
  8. Opinion: He is the best candidate. Which of the following is a SUPPORTING FACT (it supports the opinion and is a fact)?
  9. Opinion: Multiple choice tests are the easiest. Which of the following is a supporting fact?
  10. Opinion: High school starts too early in the morning. Which of the following is a supporting fact?
  11. Opinion: Cell phones should be allowed in all high schools.
  12. Opinion: Wendy's is healthier than McDonald's.
  13. Opinion: Rap music is not evil. Which of the following is a supporting fact?
  14. Opinion: The federal government should control health care. Which of the following is a supporting fact?
  15. Opinion: The federal government should not control health care. Which of the following is a supporting fact?
  16. Opinion: The government is investing too much money in green energy. Which of the following is a supporting fact?
  17. Opinion: The government should invest a lot of money in green energy.
  18. Facts can be proven.
  19. Can a fact be proven to be untrue?
  20. Which of the following cannot be proven?

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