
thear are very smart pepole geniuses if you will you got to be veary smart to do it if your not smart dont try ok just dont sick smart peaple are cool

if your not a genius you modern smart or dumb ok think be a geniuse here o wait your not so dont bother with my quiz just be smart at least modern if dumb just dont bother

Created by: santino

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. how did sonnie die in the god father
  2. who is the 1st god father
  3. how did vito die
  4. who was the 2nd and finall godfather
  5. now for a change of questions SUPERHEROS are you ready
  6. whos weakness is kriptonite
  7. when robin has anoth of being the side kick who does he turn into
  8. who was ment to be a one off villan
  9. who is the fastest
  10. what is batmans real name

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