Star wars quiz (Let us test your star wars skills)

This quiz will test your star wars skills! It will determine are you a star wars pro or newbie? THis will def decide for you! Don't worry it will def work.

DId you read that paragraph up top? if you did, You'll now know that this test is true, and there is only one correct answer so think carefully And smartly!

Created by: Jerry
  1. who shot first?
  2. Who is Darth vader
  3. who cuts darth maul in half?
  4. who is REY?
  5. what is the ship han solo and chewbacca fly?
  6. what is a jedi?
  7. what is the death star?
  8. who is Ahsoka tano?
  9. What is the clone army?
  10. What is the slave 1?

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Quiz topic: Star wars quiz (Let us test my star wars skills)

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