Staci - Do You Know??

I have boredom on me all the time. Everyday at some point I wish I had something to occupy my time. Today I found this website and thought to myself.. I only have 2 quizzes on my site right now.. one more would rock.

Lets see how well you know me?? Think you know me well enough to take it?? Let me know how it goes! I dont know why I have to type so much in here. Do you like double dutch?? Theres a new Disney Movie out this weekend. You should watch it.

Created by: staci
  1. Have I ever been in love?
  2. If it's raining and I'm home.. I'm watching..
  3. If I could run out and get myself one present it would be
  4. My favorite book??
  5. The person in my top 8 who I met most recently??
  6. My favorite place to eat is
  7. When I was a little girl and was just learning to walk, I tried to stand up using a mirror that was leaning against the wall. Instead of supporting me the mirror fell down and sliced down the nail on my middle finger. Was this on my right or left hand??
  8. I have a birthmark very few people have found.. where is it?
  9. If I had another boy I would name him
  10. Do you really think you know me??

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Quiz topic: Staci - do I Know??