so you think you know me

hey i have quite a bit of friends but hardley any of them truly know me let's see if you think you do even though i really doubt it i guess you should try. Everything is worth a shot i ghuess

are you one of my friends i can even come close to considering a brother or are you just a washed up wannabe who knows nothing about me and never will?

Created by: brandon elmore

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what branch of service am i in?
  2. what is my favorite color?
  3. what zodiac am i?
  4. what is my favorite animal
  5. what is my true love's name?
  6. what is my favorite movie
  7. what color are my eyes
  8. i would rather major in? (if i went to college)
  9. what color is my hair
  10. would i rather?

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