snerfin bilquack dish mernen hack!

Coolage with a side of b4 and c3 but not after b2 so just remember kids...lions love appetizers but love the main course even more. Ta ta my toddlers for your last supper was momentarily and it's time for bed. Chop Chop my little deamons

You're still here? I bet your not even reading this..i'm wasting my finger energy on you and you dn't even care...i should be ashamed of you but i'm not because it is you who should be ashamed of me...i mean yourself. Look at you...weak..blonde skin...stoopid.

Created by: Lacey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Aye bilquack, nothing can droool onto your skin. You best be gettin' some antidote fer that scer therrrre!
  2. I Walk the Line in the Ring of Fire that Hurt because I Still Miss Someone in Jackson and so I Cry Cry Cry, in my Folsom Prison Blues while i am the Man in Black because God's Gonna Cut You Down.
  3. Did you notice that all the things in the previous question were song titles from Johnny Cash? "I walk the line" "Ring of Fire" "Hurt" "I still miss someone" "Jackson" "Cry Cry Cry" "Folsom Prison Blues" "Man in Black" "God's gonna cut you down"
  4. Do you know what Snerfin Bilquack Dish Mernen Hack means?
  5. Pissa Pizza and the crane took me away!
  6. Go Disc Allied Tycoon Start From Actual Writer Woofer
  7. i'm sicky
  8. i'm wasting your life away with this quiz did you notice that?
  9. Detectives found a man that was hanging 4 feet above the ground in a locked room, there is nothing around him but a puddle under his feet. How did he die?
  10. What dances, and if you feed it it will continue to live but if you give it drink it will die

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