should you gain weight

Have ever wondered if you should get fat or wonder what it would feel like to be big or maybe you want a recording factor on if you should get fat then this quiz is for you

The world of fat is HUGE and in some parts of the internet gross and weird but don't worry this is a safe quiz so need to worry about weird stuff in this quiz

Created by: ilikepie:P

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. One day you wake up and see a big wobbly belly that jiggles withh every movement nothing that fit you yesterday fits now since you became a big lard ball
  2. are you willing to take a risk of getting a desaise
  3. how much do you eat in a day?
  4. what is your favorite pass time
  5. if you could make yourself look like anyting what would it be?
  6. Why are you taking this quiz?
  7. One of your friends wants to be fat and ask you if you want to as well what do you say
  8. could you bare being slower than most people and not fitting into some spaces
  9. Would being fat ruin your future goals
  10. would you like eating all day and jiggling your fat belly

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Quiz topic: Should I gain weight