Should you gain weight.

Do you want to gain weight. Do you find the flab and the thought of being a big mass appealing than you should take this test just to be sure or maybe you don't know and want a suggestion.Whatever it is I hope you like the result.

Thanks for taking the test I hoped you liked it .If you didn't like the result don't take it personally after all it is just an online quiz so yeh thanks.

Created by: 🐳=Greatness

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How much weight so you want to gain?
  2. You notice your best friend is gaining weight.Do You:
  3. While going to the kitchen you get stuck in the door with your hips jammed tightly into the gap for the door. Do you:
  4. Your at Burger King with your best friend.(who is still gaining weight) and you have $30.Do you
  5. You look in the mirror and realise that you have gained a massive amount of weight.Your best friend is proud of you and offers to any restaurant and pay for meal.where do you go?
  6. You look in the mirror and realise that you have gained a massive amount of weight.Your best friend is proud of you and offers to any restaurant and pay for meal.where do you go?
  7. You go into your bathroom and go on the scales and notice that you have almost reached the 400 mark!At the speed you gain you will be immobile in no time
  8. You and your best friend are now immobile .She/He is super happy and you's now live in the same home.You have hired 3 feeders to help you basically live.Are you
  9. You have fallen in love with one of the feeders you hired.Do you
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz.

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Quiz topic: Should I gain weight.