Should you be in a mental health institution?

This quiz will/should determine your sanity. You should listen to it. Really, that would be pleasant. Anyways, good luck, I hope your sane! :D Oh and uh, if your not sane, don't worry, nothing can hurt you :)

This is just a stupid quiz, believe it or don't, those are your only choices. Now I shall try to make a website teaching animation. Bye peoplezz! Yeetus.

Created by: Springtroop
  1. Are you in crisis? (Suicide, etc.)
  2. Should you be in physical restraints?
  3. IQ?
  4. Have you been in therapy/counselling?
  5. How was the past week?
  6. Let us sit here while we wait 'till we get to 10 questions.
  7. Oh, I have another question related to the results.Have you ever abused someone/an animal?
  8. Ok, 3 more after this
  9. Wait sorry, 1 after this, I miscounted
  10. E

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Quiz topic: Should I be in a mental health institution?
