should we go out?

alot of girlz have token this quiz, and a very small amount have got what they were looking for, if you thnk your one of those girlz that can compete with me than take this quiz to find out(dont lie we dont know each other) good luck!

you think you have a chance of dating me , than your probably wrong unless you get a realy high score. Well if you think you have a chance than take this quiz to find out?

Created by: sanyar
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you good looking? (im hot)
  2. how are your grades?(mine are good but im not a nerd)
  3. are you a good kisser?( i am)
  4. what type of body do you have? ( mines a little muscular with a six pack)
  5. would(you) date me?
  6. are you a good dancer? ( i am)
  7. where would you like to go on are first date?
  8. are you dating some one?
  9. where are you from? (i am from asia)
  10. how old are you sorry(i know i asked it before but i need to know exact oh ya im 14)
  11. can you guess my number?
  12. can you guess my number?

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