Shopping quiz Marks&Spencer

A lot of people think they know all about shopping. But they don't think about the story behind a store. Marks&Spencer, a well known company. But do you know everything about their stores?

Are you a clothing expert? Do you like home products and quality food? And above all: Do you like shopping? When you think you know everything about Marks&Spencer, you should take this quiz and be the genius of all the shopping experts.

Created by: Yasmine

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  1. How many customers does the company have every week?
  2. Where is the largest store of Marks&Spencer located?
  3. In what is the company the number one provider in the UK?
  4. What is their new initiative “Shwopping” about?
  5. What does the company Marks&Spencer sell?
  6. Where are the international stores located?
  7. Does the company always respond to the student requests they receive throughout the year?
  8. What is the origin of the company?
  9. What are the most important parts of how they do business?
  10. Who is the chairman of Marks&Spencer?

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