Shinobi lv test

"Manny claim to be true shinobis, but I say prove it. In this Quiz you will find out if you are what you say you are. And if you can, tell others to prove it as well. Manny enter..."

"I need two paragraphs to make this now im just filling up space by explaining that..O.K that should do it..F*#@!! I need 151 characters or more..wait..I only need 151 didnt this gibberish to you.. Good"

Created by: Mr.Vox
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. "What do you fear most?"
  2. "You have to kill a small 5 year old boy for your mission. Do you"
  3. "Someone picks a fight with you in a bar and goes to puch you what do you do?"
  4. "You have to get an item vital to your mission, but its in a dark cave that may have high level traps inside, some are thermal traps. What do you do?"
  5. "One fish two fish"
  6. "What is your goal in life?"
  7. "Be truthful. How strong do you think you are?"
  8. "The answer to this question is 1"
  9. "Why do we make mistakes"
  10. "What is the meaning of life?"

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