Shark Anatomy Quiz

Sharks have insides like any other living creature. How much do you know about a shark's anatomy? This quiz is aimed to teach you about whats inside a shark.

Can you pass this test proving that you know enough about shark anatomy to pass sixth grade science class? I hope you learn enough to become an expert!

Created by: dude
  1. What sense does a shark have that a human doesn't?
  2. What Color is a shark's liver?
  3. Which is not a section of a shark?
  4. Where does a shark's waste come out? (In scientific terms?)
  5. About how many bones does a shark have?
  6. Do sharks breathe air?
  7. Who kills more of the other?
  8. How many senses does a shark have?
  9. How many fins do most sharks have?
  10. How many chambers does a shark's heart have?

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