Shambhala Archetypes

Why a quiz website would have a required word count, that is, why a website where people making joking quizzes for their friends, would require someone to make a two paragraph introduction, truly boggles the mind. That one sentence, cry harder paragraph-brains

What ARCHETYPE are you???? I don't know! L-lets find out! Wow I can't wait to find our what archetype I am, I literally can't stop shaking right now with anticipation.

Created by: Hoagie Master
  1. How many close friends do you have?
  2. You see a beautiful woman struggling to pick out a book at the book store, what do you do?
  3. What is your favorite kind of humor?
  4. How do you view yourself religiously?
  5. Where do you see yourself politically?
  6. Are you happy with your life?
  7. Do you pay attention to current events?
  8. Do you feel lonely?
  9. How do you feel about the supernatural?
  10. Do you consider yourself healthy?

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