Sephora Or Ulta

Beauty comes in all forms. Some women can wake up feeling flawless while others put in a bit more effort to feel and look gorgeous through out the day. Whether it be just shampoo or that exclusive shade you're seeking, you have to get your products somewhere.

Lots of stores now days offer rewards. Two of the biggest beauty stores in the US, Sephora and Ulta, sure do. Based on your beauty habits find out which rewards program you should join based on this simple quiz.

Created by: Whiskey Lipstick
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How Much Do You Spend On Products A Year?
  2. Where Do You Typically Buy Your Products?
  3. How Often Do You Go To The Salon?
  4. What Do You Get Done At The Salon?
  5. What's In Your Makeup Bag?
  6. How Often Do You Go Shopping For New Products?
  7. What Product Could You Not Live Without?
  8. Does The Store Need To Accept Coupons?
  9. What Services Do You Want To Utilize?
  10. If Someone Offered To Buy The Most Expensive Product Off Of Your Wish List, How Much Would They Spend?

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