Self Defense Quiz

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Bullying has become an epidemic test out your knowledge about the topic. You may be surprised. You can even win a Free martial arts lesson at one of our academies.

Bullying is a common experience for many children and adolescents. Surveys indicate that as many as half of all children are bullied at some time during their school years, and at least 10% are bullied on a regular basis.

Created by: Daniel Segarra
  1. Most bullying typically takes place at the following times and places:
  2. Which of the following statements about the ways in which boys and girls bully is true?
  3. When a bully harasses another child, the victims tend to be which of the following?
  4. When victims are bullied, they tend to do which of the following in response to the bullying incident?
  5. The age period in which children bully the most is the following:
  6. Most bullying happens when there are adults present.
  7. When kids tell an adult about the bullying that they have experienced, adults generally take them seriously and give them the support they need.
  8. There often are bystanders (those kids who are not bullies or victims, but who observe the interaction) of bullying incidents. The effect on bystanders is often as follows:
  9. In terms of social skills, children who bully have which of the following characteristics?
  10. Children who are bullied often report the following symptoms:
  11. True or False: Our Martial Arts program at the Warrior-Scholar Martial arts academy can help your child to be more confident, focused AND learn the skills to defend against Bullying.

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