Scientology Slang

This quiz will test your knowledge of key Scientology slang. This quiz will test your knowledge of key Scientology slang. This quiz will test your knowledge of key Scientology slang. This quiz will test your knowledge of key Scientology slang. This quiz will test your knowledge of key Scientology slang. Any questions?

Are YOU a Scn Slangmaster? Are YOU a Scn Slangmaster? Are YOU a Scn Slangmaster? Are YOU a Scn Slangmaster? Are YOU a Scn Slangmaster? Are YOU a Scn Slangmaster? Are YOU a Scn Slangmaster? Are YOU a Scn Slangmaster? Are YOU a Scn Slangmaster?

Created by: Malco

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. "Bank" is ...
  2. Introspection Rundown means ...
  3. "Misemotional" refers to what?
  4. What does "Up Stat" mean?
  5. A "Straightwire" is...
  6. "Flag" is:
  7. "Non-E" means...
  8. A "Shore Story" is...
  9. What is "Verbal Tech"?
  10. A "Terminal" is...

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