Scary Facts (Part 2)

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Hey hi this is sorta written like a list of things so that’s cool I don’t know what to type except this is part two of my last quiz I think this might be

Just a little less scarier then part 1 well not a little lest a lot less in my opinion but uhm yeah this is just another level up quiz lol literally all my quizzes are but still I just I don’t know enjoy the quiz!:)

Created by: TeaTime
  1. Story of pink meth despite the name the website had nothing to do with drugs Pink meth was a market mainly for men where they would sell nude photos of their exes for a hefty amount of money but that’s not all pink meth would then post these photos along the woman’s names,home addresses,phone numbers and any other info the operators could dig up then a ransom of the content was delivered to the victim they would tell all the females pay up to have the photo removed or have the whole dark web have access to your personal info including your nude photos so never ever send nudes
  2. Albert Einstein’s last words were in German no one paid attention except a nurse..who didn’t speak german
  3. Let’s talk about one of the most interesting and disturbing individuals in human history
  4. Tarrare the man who could eat anything now I watched a video about him by samonella academy so after you take this quiz go watch him
  5. Tarrare was a French man born around the year 1772 in the city of Lyon France at a young age he developed a unusually large appetite as a result of this his parents couldn’t afford to provide for him so as a young teen he was kicked out of his house and told to fend for himself
  6. As he grew older his appetite grew with him and began to resort to eating grotesque things like live animals,whole cats,dogs,and even barrels full of corpse as a way to make some money tarrare began to work as a street performer
  7. Eating whatever people would give to him,however even this was not enough to satisfy his appetite and he would often resort to eating from the trash and extra scraps of food on his off time after a war broke out tarrare began to work as a spy he would swallow important documents and carry them across enemy lines and then deliver them to officials however having no other qualifications this didn’t last very long and he was eventually put into a military hospital due to his condition during his stay they would preform bizarre experiments to cure him of his appetite however nothing worked and he was caught of drinking the blood of other patients ya know life juice?
  8. Also he was caught eating a baby
  9. So in results he was kicked out just 4 years later tarrare caught a case of severe terbucolosis and died a rather gruesome death which I will not discuss here
  10. Also he would fight street dogs for food

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