
This quiz is about Non-Member-Surcharges and Waivers required by the Society for Creative Anachronism. If you've ever wondered about sitting the gate, take this quiz to see if you're ready.

By the way.... I'm a deputy Exchequer in the Kingdom of Atlantia, but don't treat this quiz as gospel. If you're not sure of the rules, check with your own Exchequer.

Created by: Siegfried McClure

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. A family of 4 (2 Adults, 2 children) comes through the gate. None are members. There is no site fee, but a donation jar is on the table.
  2. A family of 4 (2 Adults, 2 children) comes through the gate. None are members. There is no site fee, but a $2.00 class materials fee is required to attend the event.
  3. A family of 4 (2 Adults, 2 children) comes through the gate. They have forgotten their cards, but they have a current Kingdom newsletter. The price for admission is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children.
  4. A 17 year old comes to the gate alone, with a current blue card.
  5. A family of 4 (2 Adults, 2 children) come through the gate. They have 4 blue cards with current dates. The price for admission is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children.
  6. A 17 year old comes to the gate with a notarized Minor medical authorization form. The responsible person named on the form is also at the gate.
  7. A 17 year old comes to the gate with a current blue card, and a notarized Minor medical authorization (MMA) form. The responsible person named on the form is already on site.
  8. A family of 4 (2 Adults, 2 children) come through the gate. None are members. The price for admission is $5.00. Those who volunteer to spend an hour waterbearing receive a $1.00 discount from the site fee. All 4 volunteer to help.
  9. A family of 4 (2 Adults, 2 children) come through the gate. None are members. The price for admission is $5.00 for adults, and $3.00 for children. What's the total charge?
  10. His majesty comes through the gate, but has forgotten his membership card. Royalty are free for your events.
  11. An adult pre-registered for your event as a member, but forgot her card. Her membership number and expiration date are already on the pre-reg form.
  12. A family of 4 (2 Adults, 2 children) come through the gate. None are members. There is no site fee, but a suggested donation of $3.00 per person. What is the NMS charge?
  13. A family of 4 (2 Adults, 2 children) come through the gate. None are members. Site fee is $5.00 per person.
  14. A 17 year old comes to the gate with their parent. The adult intends to drop off the youth.
  15. An adult comes through the gate with no membership card. He does have a recent kingdom newsletter.

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