Save Allissa (a.k.a. Firey_Soul)

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Something terribly, horribly, awfully, bad has completely happened! Something very, very, very, awful! To all of the fellow Firey_Soul (a.k.a. Allissa) fans out there, you can help me save Allissa (a.k.a. Firey_soul)! Please! You can also steal Stardust's pie! >:D

Yes! I'm sad to say that this whole argument has started over something as silly as pie! No, it's not silly, this is a VERY serious matter! Stardust has kidnapped Firey_Soul (a.k.a. Allissa), and hacked her account! This is so very awfully bad!

Created by: TNMEBDMS girl

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. In case you didn't know, Allissa is Firey_Soul's real name...
  2. A few days ago, Allissa stole Stardust's pie, so Stardust locked Allissa in her basement! She is threatening to harm Alissa!
  3. Stardust has hacked Firey_Soul's account!
  4. Take "Firey_Soul's" quiz: FIREY_SOUL IS HACKED! >:D
  5. Allissa is not going to be harmed if you give Stardust a good reason not to harm her!
  6. We have to save Allissa!
  7. *CHANTS* Save Allissa! Save Allissa! Save Allissa!
  8. Stardust! Can you hear me!?!
  9. Comment!
  10. Rate!

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