SaD gIrL's QuIz

There are people that know so much about me and are my true friends, but there are some people that claim to be my friends and know nothing about me!!!!!!<3

If you are my TRUE friend you will take this quiz and do great! But if you aren't my TRUE friend you will suck in taking this quiz. So good luck!!!!!<3

Created by: Sonia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my favorite color?
  2. What is one wish that I truly want to come true?
  3. When is my birthday?
  4. Who is my best friend?
  5. Have I ever gotten drunk?
  6. Am I a good dancer?
  7. Do I miss my 1st Bf?
  8. Where was i born?
  9. Do I have any brothers or sisters?
  10. Have i visited Mexico in the last 2 years?

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