What's Your Godly Parent?

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I was super tired of Percy Jackson quizzes with superficial questions, sexist phrases (literally ALL of the Aphrodite kid ones, to be honest) and terrible spelling mistakes (Sorry, kids, it's not spelled "Zues.") I wanted to make one that didn't treat one cabin as better than other ones, and actually had questions that actual people could relate to, as opposed to dumb stereotypes.

Note: Unfortunately, I was unable to include the Big Three, Tyche, Nemesis or Dionysus in this quiz. Believe me, I love the minor gods. The ten result limit stifled my process, unfortunately. (At least it kind of stops people from screwing with their answers JUST to get Poseidon. That's a score.)

Created by: Becriel
  1. Imagine you're in a huge shopping centre. What stores do you wanna hit up first?
  2. It's been a few months since coming to camp, and you're still stuck in the Hermes cabin. How do you feel?
  3. You're chosen to be the leader of a huge quest! What two people do you choose to take with you?
  4. What's your non-godly guardian like?
  5. What do you personally think is your worst flaw?
  6. What would you want to do on an off day?
  7. How do you feel about the outdoors?
  8. What would you want for a primary weapon?
  9. What would you want for a secondary weapon?
  10. What's your favorite place to eat out?
  11. On a scale of 1 to 6, how conventionally attractive do you think you are? (1 being most attractive, 6 being not very.)
  12. Scenario: You and your trio are on the verge of finally beating the Big Baddie. Last minute, you learn that one of you need to die for the prophecy to be completed. Do you:
  13. What do you value most?

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Quiz topic: What's my Godly Parent?