S-Block Elements

This is a quiz of the s-block elements of chemistry. This is a quiz of the s-block elements of chemistry. This is a quiz of the s-block elements of chemistry.

This is a quiz of the s-block elements of chemistry. This is a quiz of the s-block elements of chemistry. Hope you get it now. Thank you. Take the quiz.

Created by: aadee

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  1. Which groups comprise the s-Block?
  2. What are s-Block elements not known as?
  3. Atomic and ionic radius ____ down the group.
  4. Ionisation enthalpy ___ down the group?
  5. Hydration enthalpy ___ down the group.
  6. Which elements do not give flame test? (Hint: They have high Ionisation Enthalpy)
  7. Which is the only Alkali metal to react with nitrogen to form nitride?
  8. Why does Lithium form covalent halides?
  9. Which of the following compounds are amphoteric?
  10. What is the maximum co-ordination number of Be?
  11. The solubility of metal sulphates and carbonates ___ down a group.
  12. Milk of lime reacts with Chlorine to form ___, a constituent of bleaching powder.
  13. Why is gypsum added in cement?

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