Rhexenor, King of Phaeacia

Interested in Greek mythology or Ancient literature? Aren't you an independent scholar whose been looking for kindred spirits and like-minded friends?

Come join us at Hour 25, a community of graduates of the MOOC sponsored by HarvardX called "The Ancient Greek Hero in Twenty Four Hours" or HeroesX.

Created by: William Moulton of Hour 25
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which divine couple mingled in the Golden Cloud atop Mt. Ida in the Iliad, Book 14?
  2. Do you remember the passage in the Iliad Book 5 when Aphrodite becomes hurt by some mortal? She rushes back to the Olympos to have her injury tended. Who was the mortal?
  3. The bloody drops that gushed forth Earth received, and as the seasons moved round she bore the strong Erinyes and the great Giants with gleaming armour, holding long spears in their hands and the Nymphs whom they call Meliae. Whose bloody drops?
  4. From the drops of her blood sprang both Pegasus and Chrysaor, according to Hesiod. Who we talking about here?
  5. Aphrodite wears upon her bosom an embroidered charm, curiously-wrought, wherein are fashioned all manner of allurements; therein is love, therein desire, therein dalliance"ā€¯beguilement that steals the wits even of the wise. What is the technical name for this weapon?
  6. When Hera, Poseidon, and Pallas Athena would have put Zeus in bonds, which goddess saved him?
  7. A race of warlike, earth-born warriors, sprang fully-grown, armed and ready for battle from the sown teeth of a dragon sacred to the war-god Ares. What was the name of this band of brothers?
  8. What is the ethereal juice, that flows in the veins of the Greek gods?
  9. Which winged brother-gods bore Sarpedon, beloved son of Zeus away until they come to the land of wide Lycia; and there his brethren and his kinsfolk gave him burial with mound and pillar; for this is the due of the dead, while Zeus shed bloody rain-drops on the earth?
  10. During the Trojan War Zeus famously caught his wife in his embrace; whereon the earth sprouted them a cushion of young grass, with dew-bespangled flowers. Which flowers?
  11. A King of Phaeacia, who was brother to Alcinous, father of Arete, and son of Nausithous was slain by silver-bowed Apollo. Who was this king?

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