Rhett and Link - Debate-o-Rama (Which one are you)

Are you Rhett and Link when it comes to food? These two people are known for doing a bunch of ridiculous food challenges on youtube. They host a daily show called Good Mythical Morning.

These two men have been best friends since the 1st day of 1st grade. They are now 36 and have had a life lasting friendship. Going through the light and the darkness, these two have never left each other. The compelling and amazing friendship never fails to surprise me.

Created by: Mythical Beast
  1. Do you prefer: Cake or Pie?
  2. Do you prefer: Hotdogs or Hamburgers?
  3. Do you prefer: Waffles or Pancakes?
  4. Do you prefer: Tacos or Burritos?
  5. I need more questions so this is just random. This does not affect your score.
  6. Another random one. This does not affect your score.
  7. Randomness. This does not affect your score.
  8. sdfghjkl. This does not affect your score.
  9. Are you a mythical beast? This does not affect your score.
  10. Who is picker? This does affect your score.

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Quiz topic: Rhett and Link - Debate-o-Rama (Which one am I)