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Are You a Feminist?
Your Result: You are a full blooded feminist!

You believe in women's rights all the way and continue to be unhappy with the way things are right now and wish for more change. You are willing to take part in marches, boycotts and meetings that involve the amelioration of women's issues. You realize that society views feminists negatively but still are proud to call yourself one. You are appalled to see women who don't have a clue that "gender" is simply a term which the definition is 100% man made. If you feel a comment is sexist or makes you uncomfortable you speak up on it! You are always aiming to help others become aware of how much further women need to go and how society restricts them and predetermines their roles. You hate that feminists are so divided in themselves and believe that only if they are unified can they make a difference. We need more of you!

There is a strong feminist inside you! Let it out!
You are being held back by society's constrictions
Are you a misogynist!?

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Feminism is alive and well. Maybe this quiz has made you aware of that. Maybe you're thinking hey, it's not so bad being considered a feminist. Maybe you never thought about the question before you took this quiz. Either way, now you know. But, what are you going to do about it?

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