Red Hands...(part 2) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Red Hands...(part 2).

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  • my favorite charachter is Beverly

    The best tomboy
  • Genevieve and Brownen are crazy o.e interesting characters, but crazy XD Perfect boy Upton is definitely hiding something (psh, no one's that perfect without a secret to hide), but the only question is what is it about his past that's so bad that Brownen can use as leverage? Part 3!

  • My comment was erased. UGH

  • Smh, bad Beverly, spying on your best friend xD If he was invading personal space, maybe he'd let it go but I have a feeling as Beverly said, it was serious and if spying was one thing could help him figure out what his friend is dealing with, he'd spy.

    I wonder why Bronwen even got involved....oh well. Poor Beverly, his thoughts are keeping him up at night. Typical teenage thing.

    Uh oh, poor Genevieve, she's going to be very hurt, maybe she won't go to the party? Or maybe she was just using Upton as a tag along boy to show her friends she got a guy?

    Okay hold up Genevieve, I'm already starting not to like this character. Telling lies about Bronwen...smh, not nice. Calling her a slut without knowing her? Stereotypical and judgemental, dontcha agree? Ugh, why am I always looking like the foolish and judgemental one? Ahaha, ohh good for that girl, she got a date.

    LOL, I love how Beverly is taking notes, it's more like stalking and spying in one. Cool idea though xD Revenge you say? What did Upton do to deserve something as bad as revenge? ... Nice cliffhanger though, I was expecting it! I'm really looking forward to part three, good work though C:

  • Smh, bad Beverly, spying on your best friend xD If he was invading personal space, maybe he'd let it go but I have a feeling as Beverly said, it was serious and if spying was one thing could help him figure out what his friend is dealing with, he'd spy.

    I wonder why Bronwen even got involved....oh well. Poor Beverly, his thoughts are keeping him up at night. Typical teenage thing.

    Uh oh, poor Genevieve, she's going to be very hurt, maybe she won't go to the party? Or maybe she was just using Upton as a tag along boy to show her friends she got a guy?

    Okay hold up Genevieve, I'm already starting not to like this character. Telling lies about Bronwen...smh, not nice. Calling her a slut without knowing her? Stereotypical and judgemental, dontcha agree? Ugh, why am I always looking like the foolish and judgemental one? Ahaha, ohh good for that girl, she got a date.

    LOL, I love how Beverly is taking notes, it's more like stalking and spying in one. Cool idea though xD Revenge you say? What did Upton do to deserve something as bad as revenge? ... Nice cliffhanger though, I was expecting it! I'm really looking forward to part three, good work though C:

  • THX! ^__^

  • I really enjoy reading this quiz! So far m yfavorite character is Genevieve, because she scares me sometimes I don't know.I can't think of any suggestions, but if I think of any I'll send them your way!


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