Realistic Zombie Survival Test | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Realistic Zombie Survival Test.

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  • Zombie slayer,kick ass! I am very good at survival skills and common sense knowledge. I'm very defensive and protective over myself as well as witty and cunning too. Cool quiz mate.

  • j00 reign over the new world. You used logic and for that the Logic Engines will be proud. You are a true warrior, either by might or wit. You heeded the warnings, and prepared yourself for the coming swarm. Now you can focus on purging an area of filth for your survivors to inhabit.

    I chose the bike, after all zombies don't go very fast and how the heck are you gonna get a car in your house? zombies all around, can't get to the car, you have a bike and just pedal as fast as you can towards the open door! And exercise can't hurt. Well it can but you know...

    0Blue Rose0

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