Randomness Quiz

Randomness...ain't it good? Of course! Some of us have pure talent on random things. Some don't. Random people make great friends and odd relationships. Thus, they make the world go round.

So, are you a randomer? Serious? Just plain random? Or what? Dying to see what your friends think of you and your random side, but too afraid to ask? Take this quiz to see if you're a novice randomer, expert randomer, or King of Random.

Created by: Amarakk of Warwolf Community Forum
(your link here more info)
  1. Okay, we're starting...Now! You find a dollar bill on the ground. What do you do with it?
  2. Good answer. You sit down on the ground and do what?
  3. Alright. What's your favourite phrase?
  4. Mister Gates is here to see you. What do you do?
  5. Your friend stool your pie! What do you do?
  6. You're almost done! How do you feel?
  7. Your favourite Television show is...
  8. Dogs are cool, aye?
  9. Finish!
  10. Wolves...Canines...Foxes...Oh my!

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