there are many football fans but mostly all of them like the paitriots and the colts but if you like the ravens i know you are diffrent anyway this quiz is all about the ravens and the ravens hitory so good luck.

are you a true ravens fan well this test will tell you if you are in a matter of minutes so until know you could only wonder if you knew alot about the ravens but know you dont have to wonder anymore.

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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who was the starting qb for the 2007 ravens?
  2. who was the 2007 head coach for the ravens?
  3. why did the ravens 2007 head coach get fired?
  4. who was the 2007 ravens franchise player?
  5. how many times did the ravens win the superbowl?
  6. who was the player that won the winning point in the superbowl?
  7. who were the ravens rivel?
  8. what city does the ravens play for?
  9. what r the ravens colors
  10. what is the ravens logo?
  11. do u think u r a true raven fan?

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