Questions I wanna know....

Sooooo I iz kinda bipolar....welll actually realy so these are questions bugging me and I'm anxious to ask people. SO I made the quiz!! Im such a sad person....

Trolololololololololololoooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllooooooooolollolololololololol!!!!!!!!!!!!GIRRRRRRR!I wonder where this'll end up...................................................??

Created by: NicoluvYujin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How Curious is bi-curious?
  2. Do you think pumpernickel bread is racist?(if you don't know wut it is then you dont)
  3. What color is you underwear?(I bet you're checking what it is now)
  4. Do you think hobos pollute the air with their odors?
  5. Do you blame to hide the shame?
  6. Do you personally know a pedaphile?
  7. Have you ever picked your nose with a knife?
  8. How many counts of Duck rapes have you had, considering there is a thing called Duck rape?
  9. Do you think that Ray Liotta is gay?
  10. ARe you a Directioner?(no effect)
  11. Are you confused?
  12. I lied to you about #12. It has alot of effect O_O
  13. Are you asking why you're taking this quiz?
  14. Are you ready for your results?

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