
Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it? vDo you dare take it? Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it? Do you dare take it?

How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?How about now?

Created by: ARKA

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Tell me what your sides look like
  2. Do you like your sides?
  3. Are your opposite angles congruent?
  4. Are your consecutive angles supplementary?
  5. Do you have four right angles?
  6. Do you have congruent base angles?
  7. Hey how about them diagonals, do they bisect?
  8. How many letters are in your name?
  9. Who are your parents?
  10. Do you have siblings?
  11. Are you married?
  12. Do you have children?
  13. Can you fly?
  14. Are your diagonals perpendicular?
  15. Do your diagonals bisect a pair of opposite angles?
  16. Whats the first letter of your name?
  17. Is your area base times height?
  18. Your Lucky if your area multiplies diagonals. Are you LUCKY?

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