Political Affiliations - Italian Unification Edition

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Using somewhat caricatured criteria for the various political factions of the Italian Liberal era (1861-1922) I have crafted a quiz which will give you some indication whether you would be a Crispino or Giolittiano; a revolutionary or a reformer; a rich liberal lawyer from Turin, or a rich liberal lawyer from Florence.

Some of the possible answers cover different periods of the post-risorgimento era, and indeed there is much overlap with these groups (especially the Historical Left and Right) but it wouldn't be Italian Liberal politics without a homogeneous mesh of political allegiances.

Created by: Axel K.
  1. Complete this Sentence: 'The Risorgimento was...'
  2. What is your opinion on the monarchy (The House of Savoy)?
  3. How do you feel about colonialism? In particular, establishing an African empire?
  4. What is your position on free trade?
  5. If, for example, Britain and France were to go to war with Germany and Austria, what would your position be?
  6. What do you think of the south? How should it be handled in times of unrest?
  7. What is the ideal makeup of an electorate?
  8. From where does a government draw its legitimacy?
  9. What is your favourite place in Italy?
  10. What do you think of Giuseppe Mazzini?

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